Friday, January 1, 2010

First Post!

Hi blog world! After reading other blogs for about a year I've decided to start my own! I'm a 23 year old female who is a working professional, running enthusiast, newlywed, and fur mama! This blog is meant to capture my journey through 2010 and achieving 12 resolutions.

These resolutions include:
1. Running a 20 minute (or less) 5k
2. Qualifying for Boston
3. Running a 1:37 (or less) half marathon
4. Finish home renovations!
5. Lose body fat and finally get those abs I've been yearning for!
6. Host a game night
7. Volunteer
8. Finish my Associates Degree
9. Save $3k for emergencies
10. Try yoga and hopefully incorporate it into my workout routine
11. Host a dinner party
12. Drink 64 ounces of water daily

More posts to come getting into the nitty gritty details of it resolution! Wish me luck! I hope everyone has a spectacular 2010.

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